”It is Member states’ ability to allocate frequencies in a coordinated way that will define Europe’s leadership in the telecoms and mobile Internet sectors. How we use the digital dividend now will lay the ground for future jobs and competitiveness.” That was the message of EPP Group Vice Chairman Gunnar Hökmark MEP, speaking at the Spectrum Summit organised by the Commission and the European Parliament in Brussels on Monday.
”In the coming years the EU will decide if we are to take advantage of the opportunities to remain in the lead in the Telecoms market and in use of the Internet. The part of the radio spectrum that can be used for wireless broadband will be crucial for bridging the digital divide, in all areas of the European Union, be they rural or mountainous regions,” declared Gunnar Hökmark.
”Social inclusion, cohesion and integration will, in the digital society, mean access to wireless and mobile Internet. And here we have historic opportunities not only to unite Europeans in their daily work and social networking but also to lay the ground for an entrepreneurial revolution that really could provide the European economy with the strength of the world’s biggest markets, using all the opportunities of the most modern and new services that can emerge from the correct use of the digital dividend,” concluded Hökmark.