of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
for the Committee on Legal Affairs
on Better Regulation in the European Union
Draftsman: Gunnar Hökmark
The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs calls on the Committee on Legal Affairs, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions in its motion for a resolution:
1. Supports the Commission’s aim to improve the quality of legislation and to reduce the legislative burden. Believes that the measures outlined in the Commission’s papers demonstrate a clear and ongoing commitment to this aim, but considers that even greater efforts are required in a number of areas to ensure that the maximum economic benefit is derived from single market legislation.
2. Accepts that Council as well as Parliament must consider the impact of their amendments upon the Commission’s impact assessment. Stresses the need for cost benefit analyses that are reflecting the regulatory cost structures when directives are transformed into national legislation and changing the playing field for companies and individuals.
3. Deplores the practice of ”gold plating” by Member States and calls upon the Commission to investigate what further measures might be taken to prevent it, including a right of direct action for citizens. Calls for follow up impact assessments, analysing how decisions are transformed into reality in Member States and at local level. Supports the increased appropriate use of Regulations.
4. Recalls the importance of the judicious use of ’sunset clauses’ in ensuring that legislation remains pertinent.
5. Encourages the Commission to investigate alternatives to legislation to improve the functioning of the single market, including self regulation or the mutual recognition of national rules.
6. Underlines that simplification is also required in the Commission’s interaction with citizen’s e.g. in the areas of procurement, financial services, research programmes, state aid rules and grant applications.