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Press Release on EU Competition Policy

”If Europe is to be the leading actor in the global economy of tomorrow, it must be the undoubted world leading economy for innovation, entrepreneurship and competition.” That is how EPP-ED Vice-Chairman Gunnar Hökmark MEP (Sweden) stated the task of the European Ideas Network Working Group on Competitiveness, Innovations and Regulations at its first meeting in Brussels.

”Competition has given Europeans better products, lower prices and new services. It is the competition and the openness for innovation that once paved the way for Europe becoming the world’s leading economy.”

”We cannot take a step backwards from a philosophy that more than anything else integrates European economies and gives room for entrepreneurship of the future and dynamic growth in a time when we need to take many steps forward. In order to be the world’s most competitive economy, we must never be afraid of competition.”

”One of the most important tasks must be to clarify this in the IGC in a new treaty launched by the European Summit last week and we most definitely are going to underline why”, said Hökmark.