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Leadership through competitiveness

”Future major markets will be found outside Europe and our competitiveness will depend on our capability to lead, to innovate and to open new markets within the framework of the information and communications technology (ICT),” Gunnar Hökmark MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP-ED Group, said today when addressing the ECTA Regulatory Conference in Brussels. ECTA is the European Competitive Telecommunications Association.

”Today’s European leadership derives from the deregulation of the 90’s, which made way for competition, entrepreneurship and new markets.”

”The proposal of unbundling will give new operators access to the market and generate new services. A market based distribution of frequencies will lead to the introduction of new technologies and create new opportunities. Future telecom legislation must be based on neutrality between services, operators and technologies. This will encourage investments, innovations and entrepreneurs keeping Europe in the lead. The Single Market provides Europe with a unique advantage in the development of e-health, e-trade, e-shopping, e-learning, e-government, and other modernizing e-applications that will shorten distances,” Hökmark said.