Gunnar Hökmark (PPE). – Madam President, all over the Middle East there is a tragic situation developing in a dangerous and an alarming way. Brutality, atrocities, warfare, the warfare of the Syrian regime versus its own people, the Iranians threatening to eliminate the only democracy in the region, Iran present in Lebanon and Syria, Daesh, Hezbollah, Hamas. All these forces of violence and hate are the main reason for all the conflicts we see in the Middle East and all the losses of life we’re seeing. It’s all the time, in every case, a tragedy.
But let’s be very clear about one thing. Those who are advocating hate, those who are advocating terrorism, must always bear the responsibility for the acts of terrorism and hate. Hamas, Hezbollah, Daesh, the Syrian Government, Iran: they are responsible for the atrocities done in their name and in the name of the anti-Semitism we face. We have reasons to criticise Israel when they use military force in a disproportionate manner, but we must recognise their right to defend their borders and blame those who are advocating violence.
Gunnar Hökmark (PPE), fråga (”blått kort”). – Gaza är under Hamas styre. Hamas är en terrororganisation som också tillämpar sharialagstiftning, som är direkt brutal och förtryckande mot oliktänkande och som använder sig av terrorismens alla olika medel. Idag såg vi raketer som skjuts från Gaza mot Israel. Vi har sett tunnlar byggas för militära attacker. Vi har sett att biståndspengar används för terrorism. Jag undrar, hur ser Marita Ulvskog på Hamas styre?