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Gunnar Hökmarks anförande i plenum om Polens utveckling, med premiärminister Morawieck


Gunnar Hökmark (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to say to the Prime Minister that for me as a Swede the emergence of Poland as a free and democratic country, with the economic reforms of the 1990s and the achievements in this decade, belongs to one of the most impressive things in European development. We got a new neighbour, a new friend and a new partner in the middle and the centre of European development.

And I would like to underline to you, Mr Prime Minister, that the debate here is not about Poland‑bashing. We love Poland. We want Poland to be there but the European Union is a union of laws, and if you are undermining the rule of law you are undermining trust, and you are undermining our strength for the future. Can you promise that you will follow the verdicts of the Venice Commission, the European Court of Justice and all the legal institutions that we have together?
