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Gunnar Hökmark föreslår ökat fokus på energiunion i framstegsrapport om förnybartdirektivet

Förra veckan lämnade Gunnar Hökmark in ändringsförslag till en framstegsrapport om förnybartdirektivet, som bland annat lade fokus på implementeringen av energiunionen och tredje energipaketet som främsta motor för framväxten av effektiv CO2-fri energiproduktion. Gunnar Hökmark föreslog också att en framtida revision av förnybartdirektivet bör utgöra en del av unionens samlade klimatarbete och samtidigt säkra fortsatt hög konkurrenskraft och tillväxt. Ett förslag i den riktningen är att indirekta skatter på energi bör främja koldioxidfria energikällor och teknologi samt export och import av energi på EU:s inre marknad.

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  • Whereas the European Union energy policies must focus on boosting European competitiveness and reducing greenhouse gases and not be defined by EU taking over responsibility for the social policies of Member States;
  • Highlights the fact that the national regulation of electricity markets, and the implementation of the third energy package, is a key factor in securing legal certainty and investment in efficient low-cost power production;
  • Underlines the importance of completing the energy union, which would not only facilitate production from renewable sources, but also make full use of existing CO2-free power production, such as hydro power and nuclear energy.
  • Believes that the best way to attract long-term investments in order to consolidate the renewable sector is to ensure a level playing field across the market and to encourage market-based pricing, which would activate necessary production as well as facilitate smart and efficient consumption;
  • Stresses that when revising the Renewable Energy Directive, the Commission must on the one hand ensure that the Union is on track towards reaching already agreed targets for 2020, taking into consideration all relevant policy fields, using all existing CO2-free power production sources, while at the same time securing the continuous competitiveness of European businesses and industry, which is essential to attract green investments and innovation;
  • Highlights the need to define a regulatory strategy that allows for the monitoring of Member States’ commitments and implementation of existing European legislation, in order to lay the ground for a well-functionning European energy union;
  • Underlines that stability in energy prices can only be achieved by open competition on the European energy market and by the use of alternative energy sources, matching supply with demand;
  • Considers that the indirect taxation on energy should be supportive of CO2-free energy sources and energy technologies and be designed in a way that encourages exports and imports on the internal energy market;
  • Stresses the need to facilitate a transition towards renewable heating devices;
  • Notes the importance of a credible biofuel based renewable strategy for transports supporting the transformation from CO2-based transports to a transporting sector free from CO2 emissions;