Idag har Europaparlamentet antagit sin färdplan för ett nytt momssystem med enklare regler och färre undantag. Gunnar Hökmark fick stöd för en rad förslag som nu antagits av Europaparlamentet och som Kommissionen kommer beakta när de lägger fram lagförslag för ett nytt momssystem.
Följande förslag från Gunnar Hökmark röstade Europaparlamentet för:
- Recognises that unanimity will be a necessary precondition for an agreement on a better functioning system for VAT, and therefore calls for a clear vision regarding simplicity and fewer exceptions combined with a pragmatic approach respecting the interests of the rapidly developing digital economy;
- Calls on the Commission to set up a list with updated information on VAT rules in every single Member State; underlines, at the same time, that it is the responsibility of the Member States to report their rules and rates to the Commission;
- Emphasises that a simple system for VAT which demands fewer exemptions is necessary for the proper functioning of the digital single market;
- Takes the view that fewer exemptions are important to fight VAT fraud and that the best and most efficient way to tackle fraud is a simple VAT system with as low a rate as possible;
- Calls on Commission to study carefully the consequences of the reverse charge mechanism and to examine whether this procedure will simplify the situation for SMEs and reduce VAT fraud;