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Gunnar Hökmarks förslag inför Euronests parlamentariska församling

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Euronestkommittén, som Gunnar Hökmark är en del av, är en parlamentarisk kommitté med delegationer från Europaparlamentet och parlamenten i det Östra Partnerskapet, det vill säga länderna Armenien, Azerbajdzjan, Georgien, Moldavien och Ukraina.


Med hänvisning till den dramatiskt försämrade säkerhetssituationen i Europas närområde kommer EU och partnerskapsländerna att behöva möta externa hot gemensamt medan man genomför reformer i de egna länderna.


Gunnar Hökmark har i dag lagt ett antal förslag till ett gemensamt betänkande från Euronests utskott för politik, mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati.


Gunnar Hökmarks förslag i korthet:


  • Fokus för alla länder bör ligga på att frigöra sina medier och domstolar från politisk kontroll, något som annars kommer att fortsätta hindra demokratiutvecklingen.


  • Europaparlamentet måste fördöma de påtryckningar som Ryssland utövar genom energipolitik och informationskrigföring.


  • Viktigt att EU bygger starka frihandelsförbindelser mellan unionen och länderna.


För kontakt:
Emilie Wiklund




Ändringsförslagen i sin helhet:

Amendment 1
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
Ca New text Ca. whereas the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has experience and expert knowledge within the field constitutional law;


Amendment 2
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
3. Calls for the EU and the partner countries to build a closer political relationship and to bring their foreign policies to more convergence in order to address common challenges and to safeguard their security; stresses that joint efforts should in priority aim at restoring the European security order under international law; underlines that this order is based on democratic principles, fundamental values, respect for human rights, protection of minorities, sovereignty, independence and the inviolability of borders; 3. Calls for the EU and the partner countries to build a closer political relationship and to bring their foreign policies to more convergence in order to address common challenges and to safeguard their security; stresses that joint efforts should in priority aim at restoring the European security order under international law; underlines that this order is based on democratic principles, rule of law, fundamental values, respect for human rights, protection of minorities, sovereignty, independence and the inviolability of borders;


Amendment 3
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
4. Rejects the perspective of a new division of the European continent in spheres of influence between great powers; reaffirms the principle of sovereignty of every country to decide its foreign and security policy and military alliances; emphasises that, in accordance with the principles laid down by the Article I of the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, every country in Europe has the right to choose for itself whether it joins any treaty of alliance, including the NATO’s founding treaty; 4. Rejects the perspective of a new division of the European continent in spheres of influence between great powers as suggested by the policies and actions of the Russian Federation; reaffirms the principle of sovereignty of every country to decide its foreign and security policy and military alliances; emphasises that, in accordance with the principles laid down by the Article I of the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, every country in Europe has the right to choose for itself whether it joins any treaty of alliance, including the NATO’s founding treaty;


Amendment 4
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
8. Stresses that international trade is a driver of growth; therefore underlines the importance of developing trade relations and fostering foreign investments between the EU and Eastern European partner countries to contribute to political approximation and economic integration; 8. Stresses that international free trade is a driver of growth; therefore underlines the importance of developing free trade relations and fostering foreign investments between the EU and Eastern European partner countries to contribute to political approximation and economic integration;


Amendment 5
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
After 8

New text


After 8. Urges partner states to implement reforms guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary; urges partner states to prevent exploitation of legal systems by political forces in order to avoid those forces using it to carry out selective justice;


Amendment 6
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
After 8



After 8. Stresses that an media independence from political interests is key to pluralism in the media landscape; believes that an independent media is the foremost force against disinformation and propaganda; calls, therefore, on partner states to cease actions compromising the integrity of said media; suggests that the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe assist partner countries in this regard;


Amendment 7
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
11. Condemns the policy of unfair propaganda and disinformation, as well as the policy of political or economic pressures;


11. Strongly condemns the policy of unfair propaganda and disinformation, as well as the policy of political or economic pressures, perpetrated in particular by the Russian Federation; calls on the Commission and Member States to further strengthen common and separate strategic communication efforts;
Amendment 8
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
13. Calls on Russian leaders to refrain from using energy access and pricing as a political tool for maintaining EU Member States and partner countries under pressure; calls for the EU and partner countries to intensify their effort for diversifying energy supply and developing alternative sources of energy, as well as harnessing ’reverse flow’ gas arrangements, and so lessening their dependence on Russian energy supply; 13. Calls on Russian leaders to refrain from immediately cease   using energy access and pricing as a political tool for maintaining EU Member States and partner countries under pressure; calls for the EU and partner countries to intensify their effort for diversifying energy supply and developing alternative sources of energy, as well as harnessing ’reverse flow’ gas arrangements, and so lessening their dependence on Russian energy supply;


Amendment 9
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
13a. New 13a. Stresses that the gas pipeline project Nord Stream 2 conflicts with EU strategic interests, such as security, diversification, liberalization and the development of a strong energy union; calls, therefore, on the Commission and the Council to adhere to the rules and ambitions under the Third Energy Package; urges relevant Members States to cease all cooperation with the company Gazprom on the gas pipeline project Nord Stream 2;


Amendment 10
Text proposed Amendment by Gunnar Hökmark
14. Is concerned by the risk of military incidents in Europe where Russia and the NATO have recently deployed further military forces and equipment, in particular, in eastern Europe, the Black Sea Basin, the Baltic countries and the Artic Sea region; believes that the cooperative relationship that NATO and Russia have been building since the end of the Cold War, is severely affected by the violations of the law-based European peace order; recommends NATO and Russia to maintain open channels of communication and to consider new initiatives for avoiding incidents; 14. Is concerned by the risk of military incidents in Europe where Russia and the NATO have recently deployed further military forces and equipment, in particular, in eastern Europe, the Black Sea Basin, the Baltic countries on the Baltic Sea and in the Artic Sea region; believes that the cooperative relationship that NATO and Russia have been building since the end of the Cold War, is severely affected by the violations of the law-based European peace order as exemplified by the illegal occupation and annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation; recommends NATO and Russia to maintain open channels of communication and to consider new initiatives for avoiding incidents;