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Pressmeddelande: EPP Working Group calls for the reducing of public deficits

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In yesterday’s meeting of the Working Group on Economic Policy of the European People’s Party (EPP), which was chaired by Gunnar Hökmark, MEP, EPP Vice President, the participants reiterated the necessity for reducing public deficits and welcomed the Commission’s proposals on this matter. The EPP Working Group also made recommendations on how the Commission can improve its proposals.

Läs mer »Pressmeddelande: EPP Working Group calls for the reducing of public deficits

Kosovo on the right track: Exchange of views with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo

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Hökmark and Mr Manaj ”We greatly appreciate that Rame Manaj attended our Working Group, it only proves how active the EPP Group is in the region of South East Europe. In this context let me mention that the EPP Group will organise a high-profile conference on South East Europe in November. Today’s visit and exchange of views with Mr Manaj was not only an update on the situation of Kosovo at the international level, but we also discussed in detail the actions of the Kosovo Government regarding minority rights and the protection of the culture, language and identity of ethnic minorities. We follow this development closely. It is certain that stability in Kosovo will lead to the stability of the Balkans in the larger context”, said Gunnar Hökmark MEP, Vice-President of the EPP Group in charge of the Working Group.

Läs mer »Kosovo on the right track: Exchange of views with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo

Pressmeddelande om Barrosos ”State of the Union”-tal

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State of the European Union– Europa måste ta itu med arbetslöshet och stora budgetunderskott på en gång. Det kräver reformer som bygger på jobbpolitik istället för bidragspolitik. Det räcker inte längre med mål om tillväxt och social rättvisa. Det som krävs är åtgärder som ger fler jobb och fler människor på arbetsmarknaden. Det får vi vare sig genom nya regleringar, nya skatter eller nya bidrag. Det sa moderaternas Gunnar Hökmark, vice ordförande i EPP-gruppen, när kommissionens ordförande Barroso höll sitt ”State of the union”-tal i Europaparlamentet på tisdagen.

Läs mer »Pressmeddelande om Barrosos ”State of the Union”-tal